My favourite mediumship story

I don’t advertise myself as ‘a medium’. They come up if it can help my client to heal. I notice, see them and receive messages which I pass on.

I have had some amazing experiences tuning into the energy of deceased people. Some because people would ask me to tune in as they wanted to connect with their deceased loved ones - some experiences came from deceased people that had become earthbound and needed returning to the light - and other experiences came from crossed over souls that sought me out themselves because they were stuck and needed help to move on.

Most of my mediumship readings happen spontaneously during a reading and healing session. I don’t advertise myself as ‘a medium’. These readings come up if it can help my client to heal. I notice, see them and receive messages which I pass on.

Once I saw a pair of ridiculous shorts, Hawaiian style, with skinny white legs. It was so prominent. It was so funny. I shared with her that I had a male who passed away that had entered 'the session', and he was showing me very white legs sticking out from his Hawaiian shorts. She started laughing so loud. Her grandfather always used to wear silly shorts even though he had incredibly white and skinny legs. Then my attention went to a fly that kept whizzing by. This was her grandfather’s way of telling me to tell her how he loved to fly aeroplanes. This was a validation to her that I was really connected with her grandfather, that he was there, passing on his unlimited love for her.

He had been her father figure when her biological father couldn’t. He meant the world to her, but he had passed away, leaving a huge gap in her life. When she came to me for a healing session, he knew it was the perfect time to remind her that he was always there and loved her forever. He did that through me as he could see that I knew how to recognise his presence.

If you would like to learn how to connect with deceased loved ones yourself, check out my mediumship course here

All my Love,
