Born in Belgium, I lived in the UK for ten years before moving to Ireland in 2020 with my family.
As, a child, I used to feel and see energies and had positive encounters from a very young age. But like many people, I was 'burdened' with past life energies and blockages due to experiencing a difficult childhood.
A very important figure in my life was my grandfather. His mother, my great-grandmother, would take him to a Tarot reader as a child and that's where his enthusiasm for the mystical world was born. This was back in the 1930s. He was a highly intelligent man, a doctor, who struggled his whole life with the 'truth' between medical and spiritual - the seen and the 'unseen'. He knew there was more but it wasn't scientifically proven so 'how could it be real?' was his question. He read cards, but not Tarot cards, he read 'the future' in normal playing cards and read palmistry. One day, when I was ten, I pushed my hands under his nose so desperate for him to tell me more. He took my hands into his so lovingly, closed them and said 'You make your own future'. I obviously didn't understand that yet in that moment in time. It did become clear many years later that indeed, I am the creator of my own life and if I don't like something, I am able to re-create on the spot.
At the age of 17, I had the absolute privilege to meet my spiritual mother as I call her. A friend of mine went to see 'a lady' to 'give energy' during her exams. I felt big excitement within me when I heard and I knew I had to go and see her. Her name was Ann Leysen. That was a magical meeting, and the beginning of an amazing but long and often difficult healing path. Ann read my energy, unraveled everything, changed energy, gave insights and so much more. I followed Reiki 1, 2, and 3, and became a Reiki Master. All under her supervision, I even proceeded to become a Reiki Grandmaster (Usui Tibetan Kuruna).
One day i asked her if she could teach me what she did: reading and understanding energy to give to others so they could create insights and improve their lives - Shifting, healing, changing energy so the physical world could change. She said 'Everyone can learn but you have to be ready. You are'. In one of those sessions, I 'saw' Mother Mary's energy. The most peaceful, loving - literally out of this world energy - I have ever felt.
In my teens and twenties, it was a real search and deep dive into oracle cards, ear-candles, psychic surgery, mediumship, numerology, astrology, palmistry, past life regression, crystals and so on. I dipped in and tasted it, taking new insights and experiences with me on my path whilst at the same time, I continued my own healing journey.
I followed chakra therapy and crystal therapy and deepened my knowledge more and more so I now also understood the how's & why's behind physical illness and addiction and how to heal with crystals.
In 2012 another huge transformation took place when my fourth child was born.
My daughter was born at on the dot 24 weeks pregnancy, weighing just 1lb, 480 grams. You see, even though i had learnt so much, I didn't belief in myself. I thought 'Who am I to do this work?' So the Universe brought me my 1lb baby. Here eyes were fused shut, her brain hadn't unfolded yet, her skin was sticky red and she obviously couldn't breathe on her own. That moment, for the second time in my life (the first time was when I saw Mother Mary's energy), I was surrounded by the deepest, most surreal peace and love I have ever felt. And in that moment where nothing was ok, I knew everything was ok. So I started healing the way I knew it worked! I used the power of visualisation, the power of emotional regulation, colour healing, Angel healing, energy 'manipulation', and healing with crystals. She is now a happy and healthy child!
Within two years after that, I had another amazing gift given to me by the Universe. As I was doing a reading and healing session for a client, I was guided by the Universe to work with purely the energy of crystals! Ethereal crystals are 400 times stronger than physical crystals as they are pure energy and they have never been touched or influenced by humans! As we are entering the Aquarius era, we have to return to our source, which is energy. We have to remember and work with our essence: energy.
My journey continues to unfold, all in service of people who are waking up. Teaching and speaking about the power of the mind, visualisation, emotional regulation and ethereal crystals.
I write books that inspire the world and guides people to powerfully step into their desired future and I guide people in one-on-one distance sessions. Yes! Everything is energy, we do not need to be in the same room for miracles to take place.
I help people to connect with the intelligence of the ethereal crystals - Changing Energy, Transforming Life.
In 2021, I became proudly connected to ATL Europe, The Association of Transformational Leaders, founded by the amazing Dame Marie Diamond.