Meditation and awareness training allows us to find the place in our hearts and minds where we feel happy and trusting, so that we can feel good again, in any situation, wherever we are, and as quickly as possible.
By performing these meditations and exercises regularly, children will become:
• aware of their own importance in the world
• aware of the role of energy
• aware of how their thoughts and feelings influence their lives and those of others
• aware of their connection with the beautiful planet we live on
• and aware of how they can change anything for the better, easily and quickly, in order to create trust, strength and happiness.
The exercises in this book teach children how to have power and control over how they feel, what’s happening and where they want to be in life! Exercises maybe performed in as little as one minute or as long as 5-10 minutes, making it easy to incorporate them into daily life or a longer learning session. They rely on fun visualisation techniques that enhance creative thinking, mental strength, positive thinking, and self-esteem, in order to harness the mind – the basis of a fabulous, happy, and successful life.