Past Life Healing

Become a Professional Past Life Healer - Finding Life's Purpose and Healing Physical & Emotional Issues

Course Summary

Get the tools to do Past Life Healing sessions for your family, friends and professionally for clients!

‘Past Life Regressions are one of the most interesting methods to trace the journey of your soul through many lives lived in various bodies.’ Dr Brian Weiss

As a past life healing therapist, you will be guiding your clients in the transformational healing process, as it is not the therapist or client who does the healing, but the subconscious mind that will direct the healing process in a way that is most effective. In this course, I will teach you how to do this.

Past Life Healing helps us:
- To understand life
- To understand our relationships
- To understand our patterns
- To receive answers to key questions
- To heal physical & emotional issues
- To find our life purpose

This course is for you, if:
- You are ready to go beyond the physical boundaries of our existence
- You are ready to guide others in finding their life purpose
- You are ready to guide others in their healing process
- You are ready to hold space for others to heal relationships, emotional and physical issues
- You are ready to do healing work for yourself
- You are ready to feel deep emotions so they can be released
- You are ready to find out for yourself and to guide others in tracing the journey of the soul
- You are ready to support others in their healing process so they can step into a life of happiness, health, wealth, and abundance

I will help you heal yourself & I will teach you how to do it for others.

                                          This course will give you the tools on how to give past life healing sessions.

You can follow this course:
- To give hypnotherapy and past life healing to your friends, and family
- To give hypnotherapy and past life healing professionally to clients
- To start your journey as a past life regressionist and discover where it can take you
- To be a professional past life healer guiding others on their healing journey

You can start this course with no previous experience of energy healing, or you can already be a holistic practitioner in another field. This course will teach you everything you need to know about past life healing.


  • General information about reincarnation
  • General information about hypnosis
  • Learn how to bring people under hypnosis - deepest of relaxation 
  • Learn two different hypnotic scripts
  • Learn about indirect suggestion, to bypass the ego
  • Learn how to use guided visual imagery
  • General information about past life regressions
  • Past Life Healing skill building
  • Learn how to help people heal emotional issues, also illogical fears, phobias, nightmares ..., and physical issues
  • Guide people in finding their life purpose
  • Guide clients in seeing the why's behind patterns in relationships etc. 
  • Intersperse past life healing work with other other healing methods
  • Learn how to give guided past life healing, and client-interactive past life healing sessions
  • Experience being given past life healing sessions yourself under Marie's guidance
  • Learn how to give past life readings
  • The ethics of past life healing
  • Clearing of the third eye 
  • Guided practising of past life healing sessions


Ethereal Crystal Essence Unakite

Spray the essence around your client during their past life healing session to help them release old energy and patterns.


You start whenever you're ready! At any time!

You will receive this course immediately after purchase.

The course material is 3 hrs long, given in the form of video's. 

Course Pricing

Past Life Healing

$150 USD

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